Thursday, February 5, 2009

Friends from Australia

We were privileged to have visitors from Australia this past week, and even though we only got to spend one day with them, we packed all we could into it. The best thing next to our visit to Temple Square, was to see them trying all the American food at Chuck-a-rama. They use words like lovely, nice, and beautiful to describe the food. I sure love them! Costco was a fun experience for them, too. They have nothing like these things in Australia! And Braxton had never seen snow, so you can imagine his excitement when he looked out the door at church on that snowy Sunday, and found it coming down! They had a wonderful time!


Sherry said...

That's so awesome you had visitors from Australia! How wonderful!!! I'm glad they got to experiece some snow!

Sherry said...

where are your basement pictures???