Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Unexpected mission!

Well, here we are actually in Boise!! What an adventure these past 2 months have been. One mission ends and another begins - an unexpected one, but not one we will refuse nor ignore. We have been helping Stan, my sweet brother, following a stroke. It is a privilege to assist him as he recovers. We have made the trip from Portland to Boise and now are resting for a day or 2 before we continue on to Utah. The Crandall bed and breakfast is a wonderful stopover and we recommend it to all. It is a little crowded right now, but there's always room for one more. Stan, as well as us, are looking forward to spending time with family in Utah. Carry on, loved ones!


jayna said...

We were sorry to have missed you and Uncle Stan, but we know it was crazy. And I am so happy to see you have posted something finally! Keep em coming!

Julia said...

Hey! Yay Grams is blogging! It was good seeing you guys this weekend, Darren and I will be over soon this week to have dinner and talk pantry remodel :)


-Julia & Darren

Anonymous said...

Come on mom ~
let's get to blogging! I know you can do it!!!