Here we are - home all safe and sound from our big auction adventure. Well, maybe not safe and sound, but at least we're home! I came home with a terrible sprained ankle, went to the doctor, got a brace and have been treating, rubbing, icing and taking pain pills. After 2 1/2 weeks, I can finally walk on it, but I can tell healing is still a long way off. Harold came home with a back out of place and a sore knee. His back is starting to feel better, but we are working on the knee - he has another doctor's appointment on Monday. We are hoping it is an easy fix, but hasn't been so far! So - here we are limping around trying to take care of Stan and not getting much else done. I do think we reached our objective, though, of earning enough money to either do the kitchen or a bathroom in our home, so that part is good. Well, I guess that is the only BIG news from our corner of the world, but at least we are beginning to feel like we are home. It has been a long 5 months of travel and uncertainty, and sometimes we have felt like visitors in our own community, but finally we can begin to do “normal” things. You know – like vacuum or do laundry or work in the yard and stare at the huge pile of stored “things” that is still awaiting us in our basement.
If I thought when we were first married that it was a wild ride, it is nothing compared to the ride we have been on since we came home from our mission. I’ve learned things I didn’t think I would ever need to know and some I didn’t want to know, but we press on! Stan is doing well considering what he has been through. We feel deeply for him as he is forced to make decisions that he wasn’t ready to make; change his life in a way that causes loss of freedom; and move forward into a new way of life. One with many restrictions and consequences. He is leaving behind a full, active life filled with friends and pleasurable activities. But it is a necessary change.
This experience hasn’t been easy on us either. We feel like we have sacrificed some family time and activities (which was our goal when we left Australia) to assist Stan with his needs and the changes he needed to make. And we have struggled with not being able to even finish our unpacking – or catch up our yard. It is so far behind that I can’t even see daylight. It makes me think if we ever get time, we had better simplify, simplify, simplify!!! If anyone has a spare hour we have two fences to prepare for and build, every bed to repair and/or plant, and about 5 billion weeds to take care of. So come on over – we’ll put you to work and have a bbq! I don’t even think we will be able to have a garden this year, which really makes me sad.
Our immediate plans are to attend my 50 year class reunion (yes, 50 years) on June 7 and then to spend a few days in St. George visiting Ty, Jon & Lisa and Christopher and attending a show at Tuachan with Don & Shirleen on the 9 & 10. Then we’ll get ready to take Stan to Portland, leaving the 16th of June. Shirleen, Harold & I will clean out and close his apartment while he stays in an assisted living there to visit with old friends, see his doctors and such. We are hoping we’ll be back in about 10 days. Stan plans to stay on for a while and then may fly home either for the reunion in July or later in August.
Stan would love to have some company, so anyone who feels they could spend a little time to visit here, would be greatly appreciated. He asks about each one and really has a wonderful memory that still works (usually better than mine.) We haven’t forgotten birthdays; it’s just that sometimes we CANNOT keep up with all of them. We are looking forward to this changing also as soon as we can get Stan’s life settled down.
Messages from family are our life-blood, so please let us hear from you. I hope I can put in an entry each week, so keep checking my blog – who knows, it may get interesting!!!! Stay happy, healthy, hopeful and humble - and remember who loves you.